
Friday, September 25, 2020

Daylight saving

 Kia Ora friends. Welcome back to my blog. Hope you have had a great day. Today in homeroom our task was to research daylight saving. As you may know, I live in the beautiful country of Aotearoa. We begin our daylight saving at 2:00 am Sunday, 27 September, and end on Sunday, 4 April 2021. George Huson was a entomologist from New Zealand, came up with the modern concept of daylight saving time. 

1. When does daylight saving happen each year? In New Zealand Daylight saving starts on 27th September and end 4 April 2021.

2. What year did it start in NZ? Daylight saving started 1927

3.Why was daylight saving started? So farmers could have more time and light to look after their crops.

4. Should Daylight saving continue?  No please no. We have to wake up one hour late.

5. Do all the states in Austrailer have daylight savings? Not all the states in Austrailier have daylight saving 
States that do:
New South Wales ,Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Norflolke island. 

States that don't:
Queensland, Northen Terrioty, Western Australia.

6. What will help you during daylight saving?

-Set your alarm  if you wanna wake up early.
-If you are a sleeping-in person you might wanna make sure that you are sleeping in a room where sunshine is not shining into your window. 
-Keep looking at the clock so you know what time it is

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Marketing day 2 😊

 Kia Ora friends. Welcome back to my blog. Yesterday was the marketing day for Hornby high school. It was really fun and really cool these aren't the only 2 words I can use to describe the day. IT was boiling hot and really sunny. I had so much fun creating and selling our product. Our product was a tie-dye face mask. We sewed the mask ourselves using cotton and leftover fabric from the technology room. We also used ribbons from the tec room. After sewing 12 of our masks we made a decision to tie-dye them. 

We used so many colors and it was really fun although I still have stains of dye on my hands. I recommend wearing gloves before dyeing something. We left the mask overnight to dry. The next morning came by, we turned up to where to placed our products to dry and they were gone. We then asked Miss Lackock {our teacher} where they went. No one knew where they were. A few minutes of looking around took our time and we found it in the bin. Apparently, the cleaner put them in there. 

We then dried them out and quickly set up our table. We have a large mask and small mask we sold the small mask for $2.00 each and the large for $5.00 each. We then changed our prices to $2.00 each. We sold out in not that long. We all got some goodies from the market day. I am proud that we made $15.00 and our profit which was $27. It was a long day and were still able to go through it. I really enjoyed taking a looking around and buying some products for myself. It cost us $8.00 to make our products. The only things we got to pay for was the cotton and we got most of our matirels for no price.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Marketing day

 Kia Ora, Bula vinaka, hola, ni hao. Welcome back to my blog hope you have had a great week. The past few weeks have been really busy for me and my group. Some of you might be confused and some might know what's up. Every year Hornby high as a school works together as a school on a huge project. HHS has this project where the students make a product and sell their products a few days after they have been finished. So we make our own DIY products and sell it on market day.  

We all know that starting a business is going to be tough and really hard. Never give up on keep pushing through. You will get there. Albert Einstein once said, "if you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things". Growing up we all learn new things and we need to take baby steps, from your first steps to your first words and it goes on.  When you begin a business we all need to take baby steps. We started with a business plan.  

Our products were tie-dye mask. We made the mask ourselves selfs and we also had to tie-dye them. I am going to say that we are not the best group at the tie-dyeing and the mask making. I am really proud of what we have created and that I have had a lot of time to learn how to make a mask and tie-dye. I am also proud that I get to bond with my friends. Lavanda and Christina. I don't get that much time with both of them that much. Mack sure to appreciate and love your friends or family before they are gone. 

Would you buy one for $5?

Friday, September 11, 2020

Hurumanu 4 Term 3

Kia Ora friends. Welcome back to my blog. I hope you have all had a great day and a great week.  It has been a while since I posted a blog post. It is almost term 4 and time is going so fast. It is now week 8 and we have done so much over the term. We started off with writing a story based on heroes and villains. We first figured out our conclusion, resolution, and problem. We also needed characters of course and a setting. I have enjoyed writing, drawing, and describing my story. I have thought more creative and sharp writing my story. 

My story is based on a young teenage boy who moved to a new part of his country with his family. He also starts at a new school and meets nice friends. Most of the school building is abandoned and has been abandoned since the 18th century. It was first a all boys school. He then discovers Dr Black {the villain} hideout in the school. I don't wanna spoil it that far. I am proud of my capital letters and my punctuation. 

Astro - Google Docs

I have also worked on the drawing of my villain. I drew something I did not imagine or picture in  my head.
I am not that skilled at drawing. So this is what I drew of my villan. I have also been working on my setting. I drew the street that is leading to the school. My drawing is not the best. 

What I expected:

What I got:

My setting:

Thank you for reading my blog. Have a great day❤