
Monday, November 30, 2020

Anne Frank

                                       Anne Frank

Hello, friends welcome back to my blog for a few weeks now we have been reading g a book that was written by Anne Frank. This book tells the story of how Anne went into hiding for 2 years. This is not really a story it is a diary that Anne wrote down like she was talking to someone. On her 12th birthday, Anne got her Diary and she started writing in it when she was 14 she sadly passed away.  Anne did not really have anyone to talk to and she really did not feel comfortable sharing her feelings with anyone.

Anne went into hiding because her sister Margo got a letter saying she was being called up to concentration camps. In the Annex, Anne had no space and she had to share a room with Mr. Dussal, Anne also did not have that much conation with her mother. Anne has been stuck in the Annex for 2 years straight and hasn't seen the day of light in a long time. She also struggles to sleep at night because of the gunshots and bombs.

I really did enjoy the story because it is a true story and it really does show how Anne was feeling and it is a beautiful story I did learn a lot from the story. I learned that Hilter wanted to kill all the Jews. I also learned that the Jews don't celebrate Christmas. Thank you for reading my blog.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Christchurch earthquakes

                                    Christchurch earthquakes

Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog. For a few weeks now we have been working on a project. Our topic is Christchurch earthquakes, now they have been lots of big earthquakes and small earthquakes in Christchurch. The earthquake we are studying in the 2011 earthquake. If you live in Aotearoa you might have heard about the 2011 earthquake.

The 2010 earthquake was way bigger than the 2011 earthquake by magnitude and the 2011 one has more damage and deaths. Here is a slide that I researched some info and put it into my own words. Some of the buildings are still being built. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Comment if you know any big earthquakes down below. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Water safety

                                                        𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝘁𝘆

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog. In a few days, we are going to be going on a field trip as a kahui. Kahui are housing in our school. I am in the riroriro kahui it's the blue one and today our task was to make a poster on canva telling you guys a few tips on water safety. So make sure you take some tips and follow these tips. Being in the water can be really scary for a few people and I get it. One of my biggest secrets is that I don't like swimming in the ocean, it's not the best feeling for me. So drop a comment if you have more tips for water safety.

When you are in water make good choices,  don't be silly, and be safe. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and drop a comment done below with any tips you have 👇. Thank you, have a great rest of the week guys.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Fun run

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog, last Wednesday we had a big fun run. So our school has been planing on a few things we can do as a school. And we figured out to plan a fun run where we have colors and water. We had lots of fun. This was mostly planned out by Whaea Kana the couch. We are raising money for Kids Can, Kids Can is a fantastic company that helps schools and students with their uniforms, shoes, food, stationery, and many more. So we wanted to pay back for what they have done for us.  Our aim is to raise $5000. That would mean $500 a class. Our class has raised $500.99 and more.  

We were told to bring a white t-shirt if you wanted to color on you if did not want the color you had to wear lots of color on the day. I bought a white t-shirt of course.  They were a police car, drinks, color, water, optical. It was one of the best days of the year. All the students had fun and we really hope it happens next year. 

Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Kia ora welcome back to my blog. Every week we are given a topic to work on in hurumanu 1. This week we are working protest. What is a protest? a protest is standing up for what you think is right. We all have opinions and they all matter. We are only given  3 to 4 hours to work on one topic, this week we were given 4 hours and 4 days. so we are so lucky. For our topic, we have been given activities to finish and topics to research. I put all my information onto a slide and I don't think I tried my best.  

