
Tuesday, December 1, 2020



Hello friends and welcome back to my blog. We are on Hurumanu 6 and our topic is on Health Crisis. We all had to choose a different topic. I chose stroke because my grandfather was affected by it and he sadly passed away. I learned a lot from this topic. And we all learn something new every day. We have been working on these topics for 6 weeks. We have had a long time. You might learn something new from this slide. 

I hope you enjoy this. My slide will share with you what a stroke is? the symptoms of a stroke, who it could affect, the treatment,  and pictures of what it looks like. Now a lot of people have had a stroke. Thank you so much for reading my blog and I hope you have a nice rest of your day. 


                                         Melting ice

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog. Today our class was doing an experiment on melting ice. We were given a choice of objects, rubber gloves, rubber pieces, form pieces, and tin foil. I chose the glove we were also given a stopwatch for us to time how long it takes to melt the ice. 

It took me a while to melt my ice the only rule was to keep the ice on your object. My total time was 13 minutes in total. It took me ages.  I held my ice over the sink. I would say that tin foil melted the ice way faster. Thank you for reading my blog.