
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Gummy Bear Osmosis


I want to find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them into different solutions.


I predict that the gummy will soften and the color will slowly fade.



*4 gummy bears of the same color
*2 Petri dishes
*Paper towels
*Maker pen
*Sugar Water 
*Electronic balance
*Measuring Cylinder
*Safty googles


*Gather your equipment.
*Put on your safety glasses
*Using the marker, write the name of the condition on the dish. DRY, WATER, SALTWATER, SUGAR WATER!
*Weigh the gummy bear and write the weight on the Petri dish.
*Measure 40mL, of the solution and pour it into the Petrie dish.


4 days later:

DryWaterSaltwaterSugar water
lost 00.2glostlostgain
lost 40mLlost 30mL33mL

What is osmosis?
Osmosis is a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one.  

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Skittles colour exerperiment


I want to find out  what happens when I put Skittles into water 



*A bag of Skittles
*Petri dish that looks like this 
*Warm water
*white background


1.Gather your equipment
2.Spread your Skittles evenly through the dish
3.Gently pour your warm water into the middle of your Petrie dish 
5. Observe and record what happens


I think I will see the combinations of colors 


I saw the colors slowly coming together and meeting together in many colors. I then mix the water together with my hands.


 Kia ora all. So I am posting one of my greatest works that I have been working on for more than 6 hours, and I don't know I could not finish it in 3 hours. This is one of my questions that I am impressed with:

My Hero

                                         My Hero!

what is a hero? a hero is someone you look up to as a role model and someone who stands out in the crowd, someone who you consider as your hero. A hero doesn't need superpowers to be a hero, they don't need to wear a cape to be a hero. Your hero does not need to be someone famous it could be your parents, your neighbor your teacher, it can be anyone.  Today I am going to be sharing with you one of my heroes, and she is one of my teachers. Who is my hero? my hero is Chelsea Bremner, Chelsea Bremner is a Black fern women's rugby player, I also made a slide about the many reasons I look up to her and why she is my hero.

Chelsea Bremner also teaches at Hornby high school, she is one of the most amazing teachers in the school. At school, we call her Miss Bremner, she also coaches girls rugby teams. The first time I met Miss Bremner was the first day of school 2020 and I was pumped that she couched teams for girls who play touch and rugby because I am a rugby lover myself. Why is Miss Bremner my hero? Miss Bremner is my hero because she has shown so much resilience, commitment, strength, and she has a amazing personality. Miss Bremner handles 2 jobs at the same time and during that time she has to run through training and teaching us. She also shows me that girls can also play rugby not only man, but the woman also has the rights to do whatever they want to do. 

Miss Bremner also pushes me to be a great student and a great team player. I love Miss Bremner because she is loving and she is very thoughtful, (she is also pretty talkative) I look up to her as a elder sister and I have always wanted elder siblings. She is a amazing teacher and she will always be. Chelsea also reminds us of our manners when we are not using them. She honestly has all the traits of being a hero. So thank you Miss Bremner for everything you have done for the school and for the students we are very grateful for you. And we love you!. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and who my hero is.