
Friday, March 13, 2020



Kia Ora whanau. Welcome back to my blog. Its been a few weeks since school started and we have been working on measurement. Measurement is very important because measurement tells you how long, tall, small or tiny things are by using cm, meters, millimeters. So we have been measuring how long we can run and how tall we are. It's alright if you a short or tall no one is special. 

Each ruler is 30cm. When you use a ruler start from 0 and measure on.

A meter is 100cm and half of a meter would be 50cm:
A meter ruler is used to measure big and tall objects such as windows, doors, tables and many more objects.

We measured all the rulers from 0 to 30cm. We were also told to measure our hight with a partner.  And a window or door. We had a lot of fun. I hope you like measurements as I do. 

                                       Thanks for reading.

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