
Friday, May 1, 2020

Narrative writting

Bula welcome back to my blog. Today I will be blogging about the work that we were given. I hope you are safe, stay safe, wash your hands, and remember to stay 2 meters away from anyone outside of your bubble.

Narrative writing is writing that has a story, characters, conflict, and other essential parts of a story. This week the year 7s and 8s were given math, writing, and reading, for some of us reading was pretty easy. I chose to do an adventure story because I wanna be creative with my work. And I need to improve my spelling and my punctuation.

I have planned out my story also my characters this was really fun.
We are writing the next blockbuster script. Every narrative writing needs a orientation, complication, sequence of events, and also a resolution. 

We also have to use the figure of speech, for those who don't know
the figure of speech is the speech that goes beyond the original literal meaning of words in order to supply new effects or a fresh approach into an idea or a subject.

Example: If a person says that he is 'starving', he does not mean he is in fact dying of hunger, but that he is very hungry.
Thank you for reading my blog, stay safe, go read all my blog post if you would love to. Be kind❤❤

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