
Monday, April 12, 2021

Drama Term 1 2021

                                    Drama Term 1 2021

Kia ora all, welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be blogging about what we have been working on together as a class throughout a term. There have been so many topics we have been working on and I am so grateful to have a teacher like Matua Solomon, I could never ask for anyone better I am really grateful for you. Thank you for teaching our class, I know sometimes we can be annoying and you may get annoyed at us but we are very grateful for you and the many things you have taught us throughout this long term. Today I am here to share some of my favorite topics I have worked on, some of those topics are storytelling/improvising, games, and warm-ups, mask making the statue, and poison.

I have enjoyed every moment that we have worked on this topic, I enjoyed it so much and I don't regret being put into this class with Matua and the other students. To be able to do Drama you need confidence and standing up on a stage with people watching you is pretty nerve-wracking. I enjoyed Drama because we were able to work in groups and we would use teamwork and communication. I also enjoyed working in big spaces and on stage.

Thank you for reading my blog, and thank you to those in my drama class and my drama teacher. 

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