
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The ukulele

                                                 The Ukulele

Kia Ora readers welcome to my blog. If you have not been on my page, this is where I put all my work and achievements. For this lesson, we have been looking towards instruments and how to play them and we have been recently learning about them. This class is called counting the beat and it is Tuhura.In our recent class of counting the beat, we have been learning how to make music using the things around us such as chairs, desks, rulers, pens, etc. For this lesson and last week's, lesson Mrs. Allan had bought out some ukuleles for us to play and use, this week we are going to share with you some of the things we learned while playing the ukulele.

The ukulele is a smaller version of the guitar, it would normally have a wooden body with nylon strings, and holding those nylon strings would be a long wooden neck. They are different types of ukuleles out there made of different things. They are also different sizes of ukuleles. They are certain types of chords that go with the ukulele to be able to play it. Watching someone play the guitar and ukulele may look easy but for me, it is a little bit complicated. Here are parts of the ukulele.....

For this class, I have learned new chords of the ukulele and I have learned how to hold a ukulele the correct way. and That has been the end of our lesson, thank you for taking your time to read my blog, don't forget to comment if you learned something educational through this post. Don't forget to go check out my other post. Drop a comment if you have any fun facts or anything to say, thank you. I will be posting more throughout the last few days of this term. 


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