
Monday, August 30, 2021

Dad's Favourite place

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. For today's blog, I am blogging about one of my family members' favorite places in the world. Sitting down at the table, with my dad right there gave me the idea to ask him questions about his favorite place. So here you go dad, I have linked a google drawing of why this place means everything to my dad. If you have a favorite place in the world don't forget to drop a comment down below. 

Dad's Favorite place - Google Drawings

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Pasifika Music-Fiji islands-

                                                          Fiji music

Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog or welcome to my blog, today I will be blogging about Pasifika island music, I had chosen one of the islands to research about, and of course, I chose Fiji. I am glad I chose this country because I get to learn more about where I came from. I have created a slide answering some questions that I was given to answer. I have also added some photos and videos. I chose Fiji because it is where I am from, and I am a proud Fijian. Never forget where you came from🙂.

Thank you for reading my short blog, I hope you enjoyed it, thank you for taking your time to read it. I hope you all had a great day. Keep safe and keep warm this winter and please stick to the rules that were set for us through this pandemic. Never forget where you came from, it's who you are, it's your identity. Thank you! Moce!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Our favourite Olympian

                                                             Jerry Tuwai

Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today's blog is relating to one of my favorite Olympians. In this blog/slide will be facts and what he's famous for etc. He is my favorite because back in 2016 I watched the 2016 rugby Olympics, that's when I first heard his name. Jerry Tuwai, I never heard of him till that point. From then one I have always remembered the only Fijian rugby player I know as Jerry Tuwai now the captain of the Fiji 7s team that competed and won gold for their home country recently. He has carried his team so far, spent 4-5 months away from family because of the virus that has been going around.

I am so proud to be from the island of Fiji, good game boys, and girls. Fiji bringing gold home the second time, amazing!. Although 4 years' worth of training really did make it worth it just to travel from a tiny country in the pacific to play the best of the best. I also give my appreciation to the Womans Fiji 7s team. All ups to you guys, winning bronze is not bad. You girls really did play hard. It was such a close game against New Zealand. Thank you to all of you who represent our home country, sacrificing your time away from your family.Vinaka vakalevu kivei kemuni na cauravou kei na goneyalewa, ni ko ni qito tiko vakaukauwa e kea me baleta na neimami vanua. Vinaka! -Viti noqu Viti-

Thank you for reading my blog, I have learned so many facts and notes about our best athletes, these players are really humble and grateful I can tell just by reading their stories, I have had so much fun and enjoyment watching the games. Please keep safe and warm in this winter and the coronavirus, please go by the rules that were set for you. Be kind, smile. If you love rugby or you got any rugby facts to drop a comment if you'd like. Thank you again for reading my blog. I hope you all keep safe and warm. Smile!, stay positive! today your you and that's enough!. Keep safe! 🤟🏾✨

Friday, August 13, 2021

Making ginger beer

 Aim- I want  find out how to make ginger beer, and what is used to make it

Equipment- Active yeast, Lemon juice, warm water, Ginger, sugar, something to hold the liquid


Method- Add all the ingredients in a cub and leave for a few days. 

 Results- The drink looks like lemonade with ginger particles floating on the top of the cup. It smells like alcohol. I can really smell the yeast. Note that I was not here on the day they made the ginger beer so I don't really know the instructions. It taste so good not gonna lie, it first smells like alcohol but then taste sweet. I also had a taste of my friends and hers taste like legit alcohol. It really does sting in the back of my throat. Thank you for reading my blog, don't forget to read my other blog posts. 

Friday, August 6, 2021


 Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. I hope you have all had a great week. For today's blog, I am going to be sharing with you some facts and things that we did relating to the Olympics. So for this period and a few periods back we have been given 4 pieces of puzzles filled with questions about the Olympics. We were instructed to fill out those questions with as much information we get off 6 task cards with facts about the Olympics. Since the Olympics started I have always been fascinated by how they can do it, the amount of power they have to throw that shot put, score that trie, or do that butterfly. We have also been reading about the Olympics in our reading Hurumanu. The Olympics really do fascinate me and one day I really hope to be on it. Here are some of the facts about the Olympics.

*The Olympic Games are held every 4 years, the Olympics were supposed to be held last year but due to covid, they moved it to 2021. 

*Tokyo already had an Olympic stadium for when they held the Olympics back in 1964, but they changed the stadium up a bit for the 2021 Olympics.

*The Olympic symbol is 5 rings linked together to represent 5 inhabited continents, Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe, and Australia. 

*The new sports that were added to the Olympics would be climbing, surfing, and skateboarding.

*The oldest record for the Olympics would have been recorded back in 776BC 

*The participants would participate naked 

*During the time of the ancient greeks woman were not allowed to participate and they were not allowed to even attend the Olympic games meaning they missed out on how much girl power women had. 

*About 2500 years ago the ancient Greeks would be playing games for fun, like the ones you play in PE but way more legendary. 

*The Olympic name comes from the city that was held in Olympia.

Hot chilli tasteing

I want to find out if milk will help reduce the burns of the hot sauce



*Hot sauce
*Stopwatch (to see how long for the spice to burn off)


1. Get all of your equipment set
2.Dip the toothpick in the hot sauce.
3. Consume the hot sauce off the toothpick
4. Stop timing when it stops burning. 

Hot sauce- Honestly it did not taste like anything at first but then a couple seconds later I could taste the burn, it really does burn when it goes down your throat. I swear it really does sting. Every time we have different liquids to resolve the burn. Here is the time it took those liquids to burn off the burns and stings, 

Cola- 1:40s for the burn to go away, with every liquid we all need to swell the liquid around.

Water-40s for the burn to go away

Milk- 1:30s for the burn to go away

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Impasto Painting

 Kia Ora readers

Welcome back or welcome to my blog. For this class, our teacher and his class have started a new unite which is called impasto painting. What is impasto painting? Impasto painting is a technique of painting using thick paint, a stiff brush, and a pattle knife. You can see the brush strokes in the painting, the paint that you use has to be thickly textured paint. The impasto technique is very expressive. The painting below was painted by the one and only Van Gogh, Van Gogh is the pioneer of the impasto technique. 

Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night Painting Down below are some of the questions that we were told to answer using full sentences. That is the beginning of our unite and I enjoy doing art with Mr. Collins. Thank you for reading my blog I hope you all have a great day. Don't forget to go read more of my blog post. And come back to my page because they will be more post coming out. Thank you!

  1. What does the word impasto mean? Look up the word in, then type your answer here: The word impasto meaning a way of technique to paint, where paint is laid out in thick layers. Normally thick enough that paintbrushes and pallet knives strokes are visible. 

  1. How can impasto brushstrokes express emotions? By the way, it lays over that thick paint and the technique that the brush takes over.  

  1. Was Van Gogh one of the first painters to use the impasto technique? Van Gogh was one of the first to use the impasto technique.