
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Impasto Painting

 Kia Ora readers

Welcome back or welcome to my blog. For this class, our teacher and his class have started a new unite which is called impasto painting. What is impasto painting? Impasto painting is a technique of painting using thick paint, a stiff brush, and a pattle knife. You can see the brush strokes in the painting, the paint that you use has to be thickly textured paint. The impasto technique is very expressive. The painting below was painted by the one and only Van Gogh, Van Gogh is the pioneer of the impasto technique. 

Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night Painting Down below are some of the questions that we were told to answer using full sentences. That is the beginning of our unite and I enjoy doing art with Mr. Collins. Thank you for reading my blog I hope you all have a great day. Don't forget to go read more of my blog post. And come back to my page because they will be more post coming out. Thank you!

  1. What does the word impasto mean? Look up the word in, then type your answer here: The word impasto meaning a way of technique to paint, where paint is laid out in thick layers. Normally thick enough that paintbrushes and pallet knives strokes are visible. 

  1. How can impasto brushstrokes express emotions? By the way, it lays over that thick paint and the technique that the brush takes over.  

  1. Was Van Gogh one of the first painters to use the impasto technique? Van Gogh was one of the first to use the impasto technique. 

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