
Monday, August 23, 2021

Our favourite Olympian

                                                             Jerry Tuwai

Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today's blog is relating to one of my favorite Olympians. In this blog/slide will be facts and what he's famous for etc. He is my favorite because back in 2016 I watched the 2016 rugby Olympics, that's when I first heard his name. Jerry Tuwai, I never heard of him till that point. From then one I have always remembered the only Fijian rugby player I know as Jerry Tuwai now the captain of the Fiji 7s team that competed and won gold for their home country recently. He has carried his team so far, spent 4-5 months away from family because of the virus that has been going around.

I am so proud to be from the island of Fiji, good game boys, and girls. Fiji bringing gold home the second time, amazing!. Although 4 years' worth of training really did make it worth it just to travel from a tiny country in the pacific to play the best of the best. I also give my appreciation to the Womans Fiji 7s team. All ups to you guys, winning bronze is not bad. You girls really did play hard. It was such a close game against New Zealand. Thank you to all of you who represent our home country, sacrificing your time away from your family.Vinaka vakalevu kivei kemuni na cauravou kei na goneyalewa, ni ko ni qito tiko vakaukauwa e kea me baleta na neimami vanua. Vinaka! -Viti noqu Viti-

Thank you for reading my blog, I have learned so many facts and notes about our best athletes, these players are really humble and grateful I can tell just by reading their stories, I have had so much fun and enjoyment watching the games. Please keep safe and warm in this winter and the coronavirus, please go by the rules that were set for you. Be kind, smile. If you love rugby or you got any rugby facts to drop a comment if you'd like. Thank you again for reading my blog. I hope you all keep safe and warm. Smile!, stay positive! today your you and that's enough!. Keep safe! 🤟🏾✨

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Lusi,

    This is a well presented blog! Lots of great facts about Jerry Tuwai and the teams win in Tokoyo. All I would suggest is that you read your writing aloud to yourself. This will help you see some errors in sentence structure. But, overall, great work!

    I know you are so proud to be Fijian and it shows in this post! You are right -Fiji were spectacular in the Olympics and deserved their gold medal.


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