
Friday, August 6, 2021


 Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. I hope you have all had a great week. For today's blog, I am going to be sharing with you some facts and things that we did relating to the Olympics. So for this period and a few periods back we have been given 4 pieces of puzzles filled with questions about the Olympics. We were instructed to fill out those questions with as much information we get off 6 task cards with facts about the Olympics. Since the Olympics started I have always been fascinated by how they can do it, the amount of power they have to throw that shot put, score that trie, or do that butterfly. We have also been reading about the Olympics in our reading Hurumanu. The Olympics really do fascinate me and one day I really hope to be on it. Here are some of the facts about the Olympics.

*The Olympic Games are held every 4 years, the Olympics were supposed to be held last year but due to covid, they moved it to 2021. 

*Tokyo already had an Olympic stadium for when they held the Olympics back in 1964, but they changed the stadium up a bit for the 2021 Olympics.

*The Olympic symbol is 5 rings linked together to represent 5 inhabited continents, Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe, and Australia. 

*The new sports that were added to the Olympics would be climbing, surfing, and skateboarding.

*The oldest record for the Olympics would have been recorded back in 776BC 

*The participants would participate naked 

*During the time of the ancient greeks woman were not allowed to participate and they were not allowed to even attend the Olympic games meaning they missed out on how much girl power women had. 

*About 2500 years ago the ancient Greeks would be playing games for fun, like the ones you play in PE but way more legendary. 

*The Olympic name comes from the city that was held in Olympia.

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