
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Lab equipment :)

                             Lab equipment :)

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you all are doing well.  Today this blog post is relating to science lab equipment. I am going to be sharing with you some equipment that was taught to us by our amazing science teacher Mr. Stock. Here is some basic lab equipment...

Beaker: Beakers are used to sample different substances, and is normally a container that contains liquid or solid samples.

Conical flask: Conical flasks are used to make solutions in and to hold liquids, and are also used to measure the substance. 

Funnel: The funnel is used to channel liquid or some type of powder into another container. 

Measuring cylinder: The measuring cylinder is a piece of measuring equipment and mixing equipment as well. This is normally known as laboratory equipment.

Spatula: Used for scraping, mixing, and other things. Referring to transferring substances from one place to another. 

Test tube rack with test tubes: Used for holding liquid and test tubes, these are used to mix substances to see the reaction of different liquids being mixed together.  

Bunsen burner: The bunsen burner used in chemist labs, it produces a single gas flame thaqt is used for heating and combustion. The bunsen burner is named after the famouse chemist Robert Bunsen. 

Petri dishes: A petri dish is a shallow transparent dish that is used to collect diffrent types of cells etc. 

This are some of the lab equment that we had used this term in our chemistry class. This term class was a heaps of fun, personerly I had so much fun doing the experiments and learning more facts about the diffrent substances they are. I would like to thank my scince teacher Mr Stock for taking us for this class, thank you Mr for everything that you have done for us, spending your own money to buy the experiment indgridiants. You have been such a amzing teacher thank you for teaching me all that I know about chemistry Mr Stock :). Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you all are doing well, I hope you learn somthing from my blog. Don't forget to check out my other blog posts. If you have anything to say please drop a comment. Thanks :) Have a great day! Cheers!


Monday, September 27, 2021


 Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog is relating to our drama class, throughout this term we have learned so much about drama. And today I am going to be blogging about some of the things we learned as a class. In this class, MR Wilkes has taught us lots of games that push us out of our comfort zone. We have learned the different types of theater, what F-a-r-t's is, the different types of clowns, etc. To be honest we have learned so much in this class and it is one of my favorite classes.

What we have learned...

*The different types of theater

*The different types of clowns

*The different genres of movies

*Different games

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you enjoyed reading what I did for the past 8 weeks of school. I have learned so much from this class and I thank our amazing teacher Mr. Wilkes for being so nice and just an amazing teacher.  Thank you for everything. I think that comedy is a great genre because everyone likes to have a little laugh at the dumbest things so that's why I think comedy is one of the best. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Willow tree facts

                          The Willow Tree

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog is regarding our reading period. In this Hurumanu we are given a journal to read and choose facts to research about. I had chosen to do a little bit of research on the Willow tree. I had chosen this topic because a few weeks ago I had been walking in town with my family and we would walk past willow trees and I think they're pretty.  I have created a DLO on canva with facts about the willow tree. This hurumanu is called Te Ao whanui, this is our reading hurumanu. 

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it, from this blog I have learned so many facts about the willow tree and I hope you do too, they are so many facts that I did not know. Learning this fact has definitely extended my knowledge of willow trees. If you have any facts drop them in the comment section. Have a great day! cheers!. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What is a base?

Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all well today I am going to be blogging about what a base is in chemistry science. 

An acid is a substance that has a Hydrogen H atom that can react. 

For example:

*Nitric acid- HNO3
*Sulfuric acid- H2SO4
*Hydrochloric acid- HCl

A base is the opposite of acid and has OH (hydroxide) that can react. A base consists of oxygen and hydrogen atoms that are held together by a covalent bond. When an acid and a base react, they NEUTRALISE each other. 


Friday, September 17, 2021

What is an acid?

 3 acids:
Hydrochloric acid-HCl
Sulfuric acid-H2SO4
Nitric acid-HNO3

What is acid?
An acid contains hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance

Litmus color
It changes to a RED colour

Red Cabage indicator

Kia Ora readers! This blog is relating to an experiment that took place in our science class. In this experiment, we are using red cabbage, hydroalcoholic acid and hydroxide acid.


I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid


*Red cabbage
*Hot boiling water
*Test tubes
*Different samples for testing

1. Get your equipment ready
2. Rip the cabbage up and put it into the beaker
3. Add 100 ml of water boiling water
4. Let it brew till the water turns purple
5. Put 2cm of acid into the test tube
6. Put some cabbage water into the test tube
7. Do the same with the hydroxide
8. Mix both the acids and the cabbage water 

We were given 2 different types of acids, hydrochloric acid, and hydroxide acid, we then dropped 2 cm of the 2 different acids in 2 different tubes, and then we used a dropper to absorb the cabbage water and we then added it to the acids and the colour changed. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Message in a bottle

 Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are doing well. Today our task was to write a letter in a bottle, we did not really get to put it into an actual bottle. I wrote this letter as a kid who wants to travel the world but can't because of covid. Then he/she puts it in a bottle and floats it down the lake that ends up in the ocean. This letter is a short letter just expressing how she feels being locked in because of the things that have been happening around the world. The writer also hopes he/she that the letter ends up in a kid's hand, giving the kid advice about being a kid. Not gonna lie but I think this letter is not bad, I mean I would really put it in a bottle and realize it into the ocean for someone to find. But there is a possibility that it would not get found. Although I hope you enjoy it, thank you for reading my blog. Have a nice day! Cheers!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Making sherbet

I want to find out how to produce sherbet


*Icing sugar
*Cup or any other sort of container
*Citric acid tartaric acid
*Baking powder
*Popsicle stick for mixing

1. Get your equipment ready
2. Add 1 tsp of sugar/ raro to the cup
3. Add half a tsp of your acids to the cup
4. Add half a tsp of baking powder to the cup
5. Mix with the popsicle stick
6. Taste the sherbet, and adjust the flavor.

What happens in the cup? There was no reaction in the cup
What happens in your mouth? The sherbet sort of dissolved in my mouth straight away, and then it fizzed up in my mouth.

Why did it foam up in your mouth?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Reading activties

                                                             Reading activities

Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I am going to be blogging about reading activities that we were given to do. In this task, we were given a novel to read and task and questions to answer according to the novel. I had put all the answers in a doc. I hope you enjoy it. Keep safe, keep warm. Thank you for reading my blog. Cheers!

The big dig - Google Docs

Mahinga Kai Crusaders-SJ L3 Sept 2014.pdf - Google Drive

The Big Dig-SJ L3 Sept 2014.pdf - Google Drive

Mahinga kai Crusaders - Google Docs


 Kia ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today we have been looking at impasto art, and for a few classes, we had been working on a piece of painting, we got given a piece of painting that we had to redo. We had a few classes to work on this painting, and at thy end of the classes, we had put them together. We got this painting from the famous artist Van Gogh. The painting is called the sunflower in the vase. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Aotearoa! Video

 Kia readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. My name is Lucy, today I am going to be sharing with you a little video I had put together according to the task I was given. This task was to make a video about a country of your choice and to put as many facts as possible in it. I filled this video with photos and as much information as I could. I hope you all learn something from it. If you have any facts you have about the beautiful country of Aotearoa please don't forget to drop a comment down below. I hope you enjoy, keep safe and warm. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, don't forget to check out my other post. Vinaka! Cheers!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Aotearoa cultural dance

                                              Aoteroa cultural dance

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, today's blog will be relating to the culture of Aotearoa and our traditional dance. Aotearoa is surrounded by the South Pacific ocean as other islands in pacific, Aotearoa lies to the southeast of Australia. New Zealand was named after the dutch of the Province of Zeeland or Aoteroa. Aoteroa meaning the land of the long white cloud. Stories are told that it got its name from an explorer named Kupe, Kupe named it after his canoe (waka) and that's how Aotearoa got its name. New Zealand is home to 5 million people. The North Island is home to our capital Wellington with 415,000 people. The official languages of New Zealand are Maori, English, and sign language. New Zealand is made up of 2 islands the North Island and the south island. 

Here is a slide of facts about the traditional dance of Aotearoa, if you have any facts or anything you have to say relating to my blog post, don't forget to drop a comment down below in the comments section. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. Keep safe! Thank you!