
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Lab equipment :)

                             Lab equipment :)

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you all are doing well.  Today this blog post is relating to science lab equipment. I am going to be sharing with you some equipment that was taught to us by our amazing science teacher Mr. Stock. Here is some basic lab equipment...

Beaker: Beakers are used to sample different substances, and is normally a container that contains liquid or solid samples.

Conical flask: Conical flasks are used to make solutions in and to hold liquids, and are also used to measure the substance. 

Funnel: The funnel is used to channel liquid or some type of powder into another container. 

Measuring cylinder: The measuring cylinder is a piece of measuring equipment and mixing equipment as well. This is normally known as laboratory equipment.

Spatula: Used for scraping, mixing, and other things. Referring to transferring substances from one place to another. 

Test tube rack with test tubes: Used for holding liquid and test tubes, these are used to mix substances to see the reaction of different liquids being mixed together.  

Bunsen burner: The bunsen burner used in chemist labs, it produces a single gas flame thaqt is used for heating and combustion. The bunsen burner is named after the famouse chemist Robert Bunsen. 

Petri dishes: A petri dish is a shallow transparent dish that is used to collect diffrent types of cells etc. 

This are some of the lab equment that we had used this term in our chemistry class. This term class was a heaps of fun, personerly I had so much fun doing the experiments and learning more facts about the diffrent substances they are. I would like to thank my scince teacher Mr Stock for taking us for this class, thank you Mr for everything that you have done for us, spending your own money to buy the experiment indgridiants. You have been such a amzing teacher thank you for teaching me all that I know about chemistry Mr Stock :). Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you all are doing well, I hope you learn somthing from my blog. Don't forget to check out my other blog posts. If you have anything to say please drop a comment. Thanks :) Have a great day! Cheers!


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