
Friday, September 17, 2021

Red Cabage indicator

Kia Ora readers! This blog is relating to an experiment that took place in our science class. In this experiment, we are using red cabbage, hydroalcoholic acid and hydroxide acid.


I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid


*Red cabbage
*Hot boiling water
*Test tubes
*Different samples for testing

1. Get your equipment ready
2. Rip the cabbage up and put it into the beaker
3. Add 100 ml of water boiling water
4. Let it brew till the water turns purple
5. Put 2cm of acid into the test tube
6. Put some cabbage water into the test tube
7. Do the same with the hydroxide
8. Mix both the acids and the cabbage water 

We were given 2 different types of acids, hydrochloric acid, and hydroxide acid, we then dropped 2 cm of the 2 different acids in 2 different tubes, and then we used a dropper to absorb the cabbage water and we then added it to the acids and the colour changed. 

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