
Friday, September 10, 2021

Making sherbet

I want to find out how to produce sherbet


*Icing sugar
*Cup or any other sort of container
*Citric acid tartaric acid
*Baking powder
*Popsicle stick for mixing

1. Get your equipment ready
2. Add 1 tsp of sugar/ raro to the cup
3. Add half a tsp of your acids to the cup
4. Add half a tsp of baking powder to the cup
5. Mix with the popsicle stick
6. Taste the sherbet, and adjust the flavor.

What happens in the cup? There was no reaction in the cup
What happens in your mouth? The sherbet sort of dissolved in my mouth straight away, and then it fizzed up in my mouth.

Why did it foam up in your mouth?

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