
Thursday, December 9, 2021


 Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog. I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog is relating to our last art class which is today in period 2. In this blog, in our class, we worked on a project that took a few classes to finish, and finally, we made it. Our first step was to trace around leaves that were hand-picked from around our school environment. Our teacher then photocopied that and we then traced that onto some plain a4 paper. Mr. Colllins (our teacher)  then gave us the instructions to trace dinosaurs in our photo. We then used ink in our assignment. I know it may be hard trying to picture what I am trying to explain, but these photos down below will help. 

I would like to thank Mr. Collins for taking our class this year, and this is my first year doing art class. I have enjoyed it so far. Thank you Mr. Collings for helping us and teaching us a lot about art, I could have not asked for any other teacher. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time teaching art and other subjects. Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you learned something. Cheers!

Friday, December 3, 2021

Colour run

 Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog, I hope you are doing well. Today's blog is relating to an event that had taken place on our school field. Every year our school takes part in something called the fun run, this is to raise money for kids can. Kids can is a charitable trust that helps many schools all over Aotearoa with some things some families can't afford, such as food, shoes, school uniform, and many more. This fun run is held to back their kind deeds. This took place on the 26th of November 2021. The years 7-10 all had a part in this fun event. The fun run is basically where we run with colored dye thrown at us and we go through obstacles, such as the water slide, bouncy castle, the hurdles, the cargo net, and many more. On this day we were told to come to school in a white t-shirt if we wanted dye thrown at us. Here are some of the photos that were take on the day :)

The teachers were all put into different stations, I really did enjoy this day because I got color thrown at me and I had to run with my mates. I also really did enjoy the target war, that was one that really did make my day. I also enjoyed the water fights I had gotten into. That day would have been one of the best days this year so far. I really did enjoy it, it was an amazing day, and the weather made it better. I would like to thank the teachers and kids can for the many kind things you have done for our school, thank you for everything. And thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, Cheers!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Myths and legends

                                       Myths and Legends

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog is about our reading period which is Hurumanu 2. In this period we are finishing off the activities that we were given to do after we read our journal. This journal is about Maui and his brothers slowing the sun. I had enjoyed reading this because I got to learn and read one of Maui's adventures. In this story, there are not enough hours in the day, and Maui and his brothers have to do something about it. Maui steps up and captures the sun. In one of our activities, we were told to make a poster advertising for someone to help slow the sun, I had used canva to make a poster. And the email and number are not real so please don't call it. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you all have a great day thank you! Cheers!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

🎨𝔸𝕣𝕥 🎨

 Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog, I hope you are doing well. Today's blog is relating to our art class, in this week's art class we had worked around information about Henri Rousseau, and we worked around some of his paintings. This week for our art classes we were given the instructions to name the different parts of the painting. And yes paintings do have specific parts, such as Foreground, background, Middleground, and repetition.

Foreground- the image that is close to you
Background- the information you see that is the furthest away in an art image
Repetition- Reapted use of the image of, shape, or color.
The middle ground-The area between the foreground and background.

Here is the work that I had done relating to the different grounds there are. Thank you for taking your time to read my blog, I hope you enjoyed reading what we had done in our art class with Mr. Collins.  Thank you Mr. Collins for taking our class. I hope you are all doing well. Cheers! Have a nice day!

Henri Rousseau

Monday, November 1, 2021

The Kea

 Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog is relating to Uncle Don Knows Heaps Of Wacky Stuff journal. In this blog, I had chosen a topic to research that we were told to read in the journal. I had chosen the Kea to search about. Out of this, I had learned a lot and I put all I knew in a video I created through canva. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you learnt something from this. Cheers!

Kiwi facts :)

 Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog I hope you are all doing great, today's blog post is about Kiwis. So we were given the task to read through a journal-Uncle Don Know's Heaps of Wacky Stuff and choose a topic to research about. This took place in our Reading Hurumanu. I choose to research kiwi's and I used canva to create a video filled with facts about the kiwi bird. I choose to research the kiwi because I was very eager to learn more about one of the most endangered species in Aotearoa. 

I enjoyed this period because I got to learn more about Kiwis, more facts about them and I learned heaps from this. Things that I did not know about kiwis, what they look like etc. Kiwi is one of New Zealand's most endangered species, so please we as New Zealanders should try our best to keep them safe.  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you do learn something from my blog. Keep safe! Cheers! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My Labour weekend!

                                     My Labour Weekend :)

Kia Ora readers, welcome back to my blog I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog is referring to my entertaining labour weekend. As some of you may know last weekend we had a long weekend, thankfully. I am going to be sharing with you some of the most enjoyable things I did with my family and friends. 

S-I had spent so much time with my cousins and my family, playing games, having dinner, staying up till the early hours, telling scary stories. I had enjoyed partaking in all the activities I was welcomed to. 

P-I was given the instruction to wake up early for our early morning walk which lead us all around Hagley Park. I enjoyed this because I got to catch up with my aunts and cousins. On the same day of the walk, we were invited to the Groynes for a family bbq. In this bbq, we took part in physical activities such as volleyball and touch. 

I-Something that I did to extend my knowledge would have been to learn new games. I really enjoyed this because I got to learn it from my friends and cousins. 

L-I basically enjoyed every bit of my weekend, I was with the people I love, and as you may know that spending time with the people you love is priceless. I had a wonderful sleepover and an amazing bbq at the Groynes. 

E-My emotions would have been, lively, happy, sometimes annoyed. Because for those of you who have cousins they were a little bit annoying. 

S-My success in my weekend would have been that I woke up early to go for a walk with my aunties and cousins. This walk was at 6am in the morning and we had gone to bed at 4am in the morning so I was brain dead half the time. 

Thank you for taking your time to read my blog, I hope you also had an amazing labour weekend. If you have anything to share please drop it in the comment box. Have a good day! Cheers!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Tuatara

                          The Tuatara 

Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog I hope you are all doing well. Today I am going to be blogging about another topic from uncle Don knows heaps of wacky stuff journals. Although at this point I have been researching a totally different topic. As some of you may know the topic of my blog is the tuatara, the tuatara is one of New Zealand's endemic creatures meaning can only be found in New Zealand. The tuatara looks very similar to a lizard but is not, it is known to be the only living dinosaur alive. It is known for its third eye sitting in the top center of its skull. In this Hurumanu we were given the task to make a DLO filled with as many facts of the topic we had chosen. 

The tuatara comes from the Rhynchocephalia family that lived in the time of the dinosaurs. The name tuatara is a Maori word meaning peaks on back or spiny back. They adore cool weather such as lizards like warm weather. Tuataras can regrow their tails if it has been chopped off by a predator. Tuataras are found offshore and in the mainlands. I hope you enjoyed my blog so far, thank you for taking your time to read my blog. Don't forget to check out my other uncle don knows heaps of wacky stuff blogs. Hope you have a good one! Cheers!

Friday, October 1, 2021

Making hokey pokey

I want to find out how to make a hokey pokey.




*5 tablespoons of sugar
*2 tablespoons of golden syrup
*1 tablespoon baking powder (Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Hydrogen carbonate)
*Wooden spoon
* Stove/bunsen burner
*Baking paper

*Get your equipment :)
*Set up your bunsen burner (Yellow safety flame)
*Put your pot on the bunsen burner and use the blue flame.
*Add the sugar and the golden syrup into the pot.
*Mix it with the wooden spoon
*Stop mixing and turn off the stove/ bunsen when the sugar begins to boil.
*Add the baking powder and mix
*Pour the mixture into your baking paper
*Let it cool!


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Lab equipment :)

                             Lab equipment :)

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you all are doing well.  Today this blog post is relating to science lab equipment. I am going to be sharing with you some equipment that was taught to us by our amazing science teacher Mr. Stock. Here is some basic lab equipment...

Beaker: Beakers are used to sample different substances, and is normally a container that contains liquid or solid samples.

Conical flask: Conical flasks are used to make solutions in and to hold liquids, and are also used to measure the substance. 

Funnel: The funnel is used to channel liquid or some type of powder into another container. 

Measuring cylinder: The measuring cylinder is a piece of measuring equipment and mixing equipment as well. This is normally known as laboratory equipment.

Spatula: Used for scraping, mixing, and other things. Referring to transferring substances from one place to another. 

Test tube rack with test tubes: Used for holding liquid and test tubes, these are used to mix substances to see the reaction of different liquids being mixed together.  

Bunsen burner: The bunsen burner used in chemist labs, it produces a single gas flame thaqt is used for heating and combustion. The bunsen burner is named after the famouse chemist Robert Bunsen. 

Petri dishes: A petri dish is a shallow transparent dish that is used to collect diffrent types of cells etc. 

This are some of the lab equment that we had used this term in our chemistry class. This term class was a heaps of fun, personerly I had so much fun doing the experiments and learning more facts about the diffrent substances they are. I would like to thank my scince teacher Mr Stock for taking us for this class, thank you Mr for everything that you have done for us, spending your own money to buy the experiment indgridiants. You have been such a amzing teacher thank you for teaching me all that I know about chemistry Mr Stock :). Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you all are doing well, I hope you learn somthing from my blog. Don't forget to check out my other blog posts. If you have anything to say please drop a comment. Thanks :) Have a great day! Cheers!


Monday, September 27, 2021


 Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog is relating to our drama class, throughout this term we have learned so much about drama. And today I am going to be blogging about some of the things we learned as a class. In this class, MR Wilkes has taught us lots of games that push us out of our comfort zone. We have learned the different types of theater, what F-a-r-t's is, the different types of clowns, etc. To be honest we have learned so much in this class and it is one of my favorite classes.

What we have learned...

*The different types of theater

*The different types of clowns

*The different genres of movies

*Different games

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you enjoyed reading what I did for the past 8 weeks of school. I have learned so much from this class and I thank our amazing teacher Mr. Wilkes for being so nice and just an amazing teacher.  Thank you for everything. I think that comedy is a great genre because everyone likes to have a little laugh at the dumbest things so that's why I think comedy is one of the best. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Willow tree facts

                          The Willow Tree

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog is regarding our reading period. In this Hurumanu we are given a journal to read and choose facts to research about. I had chosen to do a little bit of research on the Willow tree. I had chosen this topic because a few weeks ago I had been walking in town with my family and we would walk past willow trees and I think they're pretty.  I have created a DLO on canva with facts about the willow tree. This hurumanu is called Te Ao whanui, this is our reading hurumanu. 

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it, from this blog I have learned so many facts about the willow tree and I hope you do too, they are so many facts that I did not know. Learning this fact has definitely extended my knowledge of willow trees. If you have any facts drop them in the comment section. Have a great day! cheers!. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What is a base?

Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all well today I am going to be blogging about what a base is in chemistry science. 

An acid is a substance that has a Hydrogen H atom that can react. 

For example:

*Nitric acid- HNO3
*Sulfuric acid- H2SO4
*Hydrochloric acid- HCl

A base is the opposite of acid and has OH (hydroxide) that can react. A base consists of oxygen and hydrogen atoms that are held together by a covalent bond. When an acid and a base react, they NEUTRALISE each other. 


Friday, September 17, 2021

What is an acid?

 3 acids:
Hydrochloric acid-HCl
Sulfuric acid-H2SO4
Nitric acid-HNO3

What is acid?
An acid contains hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance

Litmus color
It changes to a RED colour

Red Cabage indicator

Kia Ora readers! This blog is relating to an experiment that took place in our science class. In this experiment, we are using red cabbage, hydroalcoholic acid and hydroxide acid.


I want to find out how to tell if something is an acid


*Red cabbage
*Hot boiling water
*Test tubes
*Different samples for testing

1. Get your equipment ready
2. Rip the cabbage up and put it into the beaker
3. Add 100 ml of water boiling water
4. Let it brew till the water turns purple
5. Put 2cm of acid into the test tube
6. Put some cabbage water into the test tube
7. Do the same with the hydroxide
8. Mix both the acids and the cabbage water 

We were given 2 different types of acids, hydrochloric acid, and hydroxide acid, we then dropped 2 cm of the 2 different acids in 2 different tubes, and then we used a dropper to absorb the cabbage water and we then added it to the acids and the colour changed. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Message in a bottle

 Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are doing well. Today our task was to write a letter in a bottle, we did not really get to put it into an actual bottle. I wrote this letter as a kid who wants to travel the world but can't because of covid. Then he/she puts it in a bottle and floats it down the lake that ends up in the ocean. This letter is a short letter just expressing how she feels being locked in because of the things that have been happening around the world. The writer also hopes he/she that the letter ends up in a kid's hand, giving the kid advice about being a kid. Not gonna lie but I think this letter is not bad, I mean I would really put it in a bottle and realize it into the ocean for someone to find. But there is a possibility that it would not get found. Although I hope you enjoy it, thank you for reading my blog. Have a nice day! Cheers!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Making sherbet

I want to find out how to produce sherbet


*Icing sugar
*Cup or any other sort of container
*Citric acid tartaric acid
*Baking powder
*Popsicle stick for mixing

1. Get your equipment ready
2. Add 1 tsp of sugar/ raro to the cup
3. Add half a tsp of your acids to the cup
4. Add half a tsp of baking powder to the cup
5. Mix with the popsicle stick
6. Taste the sherbet, and adjust the flavor.

What happens in the cup? There was no reaction in the cup
What happens in your mouth? The sherbet sort of dissolved in my mouth straight away, and then it fizzed up in my mouth.

Why did it foam up in your mouth?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Reading activties

                                                             Reading activities

Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today I am going to be blogging about reading activities that we were given to do. In this task, we were given a novel to read and task and questions to answer according to the novel. I had put all the answers in a doc. I hope you enjoy it. Keep safe, keep warm. Thank you for reading my blog. Cheers!

The big dig - Google Docs

Mahinga Kai Crusaders-SJ L3 Sept 2014.pdf - Google Drive

The Big Dig-SJ L3 Sept 2014.pdf - Google Drive

Mahinga kai Crusaders - Google Docs


 Kia ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today we have been looking at impasto art, and for a few classes, we had been working on a piece of painting, we got given a piece of painting that we had to redo. We had a few classes to work on this painting, and at thy end of the classes, we had put them together. We got this painting from the famous artist Van Gogh. The painting is called the sunflower in the vase. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Aotearoa! Video

 Kia readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. My name is Lucy, today I am going to be sharing with you a little video I had put together according to the task I was given. This task was to make a video about a country of your choice and to put as many facts as possible in it. I filled this video with photos and as much information as I could. I hope you all learn something from it. If you have any facts you have about the beautiful country of Aotearoa please don't forget to drop a comment down below. I hope you enjoy, keep safe and warm. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, don't forget to check out my other post. Vinaka! Cheers!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Aotearoa cultural dance

                                              Aoteroa cultural dance

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, today's blog will be relating to the culture of Aotearoa and our traditional dance. Aotearoa is surrounded by the South Pacific ocean as other islands in pacific, Aotearoa lies to the southeast of Australia. New Zealand was named after the dutch of the Province of Zeeland or Aoteroa. Aoteroa meaning the land of the long white cloud. Stories are told that it got its name from an explorer named Kupe, Kupe named it after his canoe (waka) and that's how Aotearoa got its name. New Zealand is home to 5 million people. The North Island is home to our capital Wellington with 415,000 people. The official languages of New Zealand are Maori, English, and sign language. New Zealand is made up of 2 islands the North Island and the south island. 

Here is a slide of facts about the traditional dance of Aotearoa, if you have any facts or anything you have to say relating to my blog post, don't forget to drop a comment down below in the comments section. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. Keep safe! Thank you!

Monday, August 30, 2021

Dad's Favourite place

Kia Ora readers welcome back or welcome to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. For today's blog, I am blogging about one of my family members' favorite places in the world. Sitting down at the table, with my dad right there gave me the idea to ask him questions about his favorite place. So here you go dad, I have linked a google drawing of why this place means everything to my dad. If you have a favorite place in the world don't forget to drop a comment down below. 

Dad's Favorite place - Google Drawings

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Pasifika Music-Fiji islands-

                                                          Fiji music

Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog or welcome to my blog, today I will be blogging about Pasifika island music, I had chosen one of the islands to research about, and of course, I chose Fiji. I am glad I chose this country because I get to learn more about where I came from. I have created a slide answering some questions that I was given to answer. I have also added some photos and videos. I chose Fiji because it is where I am from, and I am a proud Fijian. Never forget where you came from🙂.

Thank you for reading my short blog, I hope you enjoyed it, thank you for taking your time to read it. I hope you all had a great day. Keep safe and keep warm this winter and please stick to the rules that were set for us through this pandemic. Never forget where you came from, it's who you are, it's your identity. Thank you! Moce!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Our favourite Olympian

                                                             Jerry Tuwai

Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. Today's blog is relating to one of my favorite Olympians. In this blog/slide will be facts and what he's famous for etc. He is my favorite because back in 2016 I watched the 2016 rugby Olympics, that's when I first heard his name. Jerry Tuwai, I never heard of him till that point. From then one I have always remembered the only Fijian rugby player I know as Jerry Tuwai now the captain of the Fiji 7s team that competed and won gold for their home country recently. He has carried his team so far, spent 4-5 months away from family because of the virus that has been going around.

I am so proud to be from the island of Fiji, good game boys, and girls. Fiji bringing gold home the second time, amazing!. Although 4 years' worth of training really did make it worth it just to travel from a tiny country in the pacific to play the best of the best. I also give my appreciation to the Womans Fiji 7s team. All ups to you guys, winning bronze is not bad. You girls really did play hard. It was such a close game against New Zealand. Thank you to all of you who represent our home country, sacrificing your time away from your family.Vinaka vakalevu kivei kemuni na cauravou kei na goneyalewa, ni ko ni qito tiko vakaukauwa e kea me baleta na neimami vanua. Vinaka! -Viti noqu Viti-

Thank you for reading my blog, I have learned so many facts and notes about our best athletes, these players are really humble and grateful I can tell just by reading their stories, I have had so much fun and enjoyment watching the games. Please keep safe and warm in this winter and the coronavirus, please go by the rules that were set for you. Be kind, smile. If you love rugby or you got any rugby facts to drop a comment if you'd like. Thank you again for reading my blog. I hope you all keep safe and warm. Smile!, stay positive! today your you and that's enough!. Keep safe! 🤟🏾✨

Friday, August 13, 2021

Making ginger beer

 Aim- I want  find out how to make ginger beer, and what is used to make it

Equipment- Active yeast, Lemon juice, warm water, Ginger, sugar, something to hold the liquid


Method- Add all the ingredients in a cub and leave for a few days. 

 Results- The drink looks like lemonade with ginger particles floating on the top of the cup. It smells like alcohol. I can really smell the yeast. Note that I was not here on the day they made the ginger beer so I don't really know the instructions. It taste so good not gonna lie, it first smells like alcohol but then taste sweet. I also had a taste of my friends and hers taste like legit alcohol. It really does sting in the back of my throat. Thank you for reading my blog, don't forget to read my other blog posts. 

Friday, August 6, 2021


 Kia Ora readers, welcome back or welcome to my blog. I hope you have all had a great week. For today's blog, I am going to be sharing with you some facts and things that we did relating to the Olympics. So for this period and a few periods back we have been given 4 pieces of puzzles filled with questions about the Olympics. We were instructed to fill out those questions with as much information we get off 6 task cards with facts about the Olympics. Since the Olympics started I have always been fascinated by how they can do it, the amount of power they have to throw that shot put, score that trie, or do that butterfly. We have also been reading about the Olympics in our reading Hurumanu. The Olympics really do fascinate me and one day I really hope to be on it. Here are some of the facts about the Olympics.

*The Olympic Games are held every 4 years, the Olympics were supposed to be held last year but due to covid, they moved it to 2021. 

*Tokyo already had an Olympic stadium for when they held the Olympics back in 1964, but they changed the stadium up a bit for the 2021 Olympics.

*The Olympic symbol is 5 rings linked together to represent 5 inhabited continents, Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe, and Australia. 

*The new sports that were added to the Olympics would be climbing, surfing, and skateboarding.

*The oldest record for the Olympics would have been recorded back in 776BC 

*The participants would participate naked 

*During the time of the ancient greeks woman were not allowed to participate and they were not allowed to even attend the Olympic games meaning they missed out on how much girl power women had. 

*About 2500 years ago the ancient Greeks would be playing games for fun, like the ones you play in PE but way more legendary. 

*The Olympic name comes from the city that was held in Olympia.

Hot chilli tasteing

I want to find out if milk will help reduce the burns of the hot sauce



*Hot sauce
*Stopwatch (to see how long for the spice to burn off)


1. Get all of your equipment set
2.Dip the toothpick in the hot sauce.
3. Consume the hot sauce off the toothpick
4. Stop timing when it stops burning. 

Hot sauce- Honestly it did not taste like anything at first but then a couple seconds later I could taste the burn, it really does burn when it goes down your throat. I swear it really does sting. Every time we have different liquids to resolve the burn. Here is the time it took those liquids to burn off the burns and stings, 

Cola- 1:40s for the burn to go away, with every liquid we all need to swell the liquid around.

Water-40s for the burn to go away

Milk- 1:30s for the burn to go away

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Impasto Painting

 Kia Ora readers

Welcome back or welcome to my blog. For this class, our teacher and his class have started a new unite which is called impasto painting. What is impasto painting? Impasto painting is a technique of painting using thick paint, a stiff brush, and a pattle knife. You can see the brush strokes in the painting, the paint that you use has to be thickly textured paint. The impasto technique is very expressive. The painting below was painted by the one and only Van Gogh, Van Gogh is the pioneer of the impasto technique. 

Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night Painting Down below are some of the questions that we were told to answer using full sentences. That is the beginning of our unite and I enjoy doing art with Mr. Collins. Thank you for reading my blog I hope you all have a great day. Don't forget to go read more of my blog post. And come back to my page because they will be more post coming out. Thank you!

  1. What does the word impasto mean? Look up the word in, then type your answer here: The word impasto meaning a way of technique to paint, where paint is laid out in thick layers. Normally thick enough that paintbrushes and pallet knives strokes are visible. 

  1. How can impasto brushstrokes express emotions? By the way, it lays over that thick paint and the technique that the brush takes over.  

  1. Was Van Gogh one of the first painters to use the impasto technique? Van Gogh was one of the first to use the impasto technique. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Blind taste testing

I want to find out how things taste.




*Unkown Food


1. Get your equipment
2.Put your blind on fully
3. Taste test the food
5.Guess what food has been put in front of you
6. Record your observations in a table


Food#1- When I placed the food in my mouth it tasted like lollies (which it was), then our teacher instructed us to block our nose and see what happens, when I blocked my nose I could not taste the Lollie with my nose blocked but when I unblocked my nose I could taste the flavor.

Food#2- Citric Acid, as I placed this random powder in my mouth with my nose blocked I could taste how sour our teacher was giving us. I literally felt like cold ice cream on my gums. 

Food#3- Baking powder- it tasted so bitter at the back of my tongue and I got surprised because halfway through it being in my mouth I knew I tasted it before.

Food#4- Salt- Tasted like salt, I had so much on my popsicle stick so I could really taste the flavour go down my tongue.

Food#5- Sugar- Tasted so sweet, I could taste the sweetness on my tongue, sugar was not as bad as the rest.

Food#6-Sherbert- Sherbet with no flavour, I could really feel it fizzing at the back of my tongue. It's not bad not gonna lie. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Music in the late dacedes


Kia Ora readers, welcome to my blog, if you have not been on my blog this is where I post most of my work and achievements. This is another blog post about Music, if you have not checked out my other blogs make sure you go check them out. As I said this blog is about Music and which we have been working on for a few periods now. Our task was to make a presentation about the genres of music in the past decades. I choose to do this with a buddy, thanks Sadie. We recently got up to the 1960s. 

My favorite year would be the 1950s because I love the genres of songs back then and one of my favorite songs that I have heard before but had no idea what the name of the album is Elvis Presley-Hound dog. When it was played on the TV I could tell that I've heard it somewhere but I did not know who sang it. Thanks to Mrs. Allan and her music taste I found out who he was.  Elvis Presly known as an American singer who released his Album in 1956, the album is called Hound Dog. 

Throughout this class, I have learned the different genres of music, and artist that has released. I have learned more than I expected through this class.  Thank you so much for taking your time to read my blog, make sure to go check out my other blogs. Drop a comment if you have a favorite decade or a favorite type of music. Thank you!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The ukulele

                                                 The Ukulele

Kia Ora readers welcome to my blog. If you have not been on my page, this is where I put all my work and achievements. For this lesson, we have been looking towards instruments and how to play them and we have been recently learning about them. This class is called counting the beat and it is Tuhura.In our recent class of counting the beat, we have been learning how to make music using the things around us such as chairs, desks, rulers, pens, etc. For this lesson and last week's, lesson Mrs. Allan had bought out some ukuleles for us to play and use, this week we are going to share with you some of the things we learned while playing the ukulele.

The ukulele is a smaller version of the guitar, it would normally have a wooden body with nylon strings, and holding those nylon strings would be a long wooden neck. They are different types of ukuleles out there made of different things. They are also different sizes of ukuleles. They are certain types of chords that go with the ukulele to be able to play it. Watching someone play the guitar and ukulele may look easy but for me, it is a little bit complicated. Here are parts of the ukulele.....

For this class, I have learned new chords of the ukulele and I have learned how to hold a ukulele the correct way. and That has been the end of our lesson, thank you for taking your time to read my blog, don't forget to comment if you learned something educational through this post. Don't forget to go check out my other post. Drop a comment if you have any fun facts or anything to say, thank you. I will be posting more throughout the last few days of this term. 


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Reading Task

                            Reading task

Kia ora readers welcome back to my blog, for the outstanders work we have been given the task to read an article about outstanding. I was given the article "The Mohawk". The teachers have set up reading groups for every student and what level they think they are at. My article came with activities, I have read the article and answered the qustions. Here is my work.

Reading article...
SJL3-The Mohawk.pdf - Google Drive

The Mohawk article - Google Docs

Thursday, June 3, 2021



Kia Ora readers welcome back to my blog, for a few lessons we have been working on the topic of music, they are different types of music such as classic, pop, rap, opera, rock, jazz, country, and many more. Mrs. Allan Fletcher has given us the task to make music using the facilities around us. This was called stomp, stomp basically making music using the facilities around you. This helps you think more creatively and pushes you out of your comfort zone. 

We were all given the choice to choose the group to work in and work with, I worked in a group of 3 including me and my 2 close friends. Our facilities were a ruler, 2 pairs of scissors, a tissue box and a sit (stool). We all had to come up with an ORIGINAL beat. We all tried to join into the beat to make it sound on the beat and make it sound good. And yes I do admit that our teacher did help with like 99% of the time. Thank you, Miss 😊.

                                              Cup song
Hello all, with the subject of music, we were also given the task to learn the cup song, it looks so easy when people do the cup song but it's very complicated to learn it. It took me a while to learn the cup song, and it took me a while to stop doing it. I don't know why I was never taught the cup song at camp. There is a common rhythm that I followed. 

Thank you for reading my blog ;)

Samoan language week :)

                    Samoan language week 

Talofa lava reader welcome back to my blog if you are new here my name is Lucy and this is my blogger and this is where I share all my work. For today we have been looking into some Samoan greetings, phrases, and facts. I will be sharing with you some of the facts, greetings, phrases, etc, and I hope you learn something about the beautiful islands of Samoa. 

*Samoa is located in the south-central pacific ocean located 1,600miles-2,600km north of New Zealand.

*Samoa consists of 2 main islands called Sava'ii and Upolu and several smaller islands.

*The largest island of Samoa is Sava'ii and the most populated is Upolu.

*Almost 70% of the country is filled with forests

*The capital of Samoa is Apia and is home to 38,000 people.

*Samoa gained independence from New Zealand in 1962, the country was known as Western Samoa until 1997.

*In Samoa elections are held every 5 years, the recent election was held in April 2021.

*The most common sports in Samoa are rugby, volleyball, cricket, and netball.

*The most common traditional dish in Samoa is Panipopu and Palusami.


Talofa lava-Hello

Fa 'afetai-Thankyou




Ai logo-Maybe

Fa 'amolemole-please


Ua ou fiafia ua ta feioa'i- Pleased to meet you

Manuia le aso-Good day

Ua mai oe?-How are you?

Fa 'afetai- Congrats


Ou te sau mai...-I am from...

O ai lou igoa?-What's your name?

Oi lou igoa o...-My name is...

Ou te sau mai ...-I am from...

Ia manuia-Good luck!

E te iloa fa'aSamoa?-Do you speak Samoan?

Ou te alofa ia te oe- I love you

Alu ese ma a'u!-Leave me alone












Talofa lava 
Oi lou igoa o Lucy, Ou te sau mai Viti (Fiji). Ua Ou 13 tausaga.- Hello my name is Lucy, I am from Fiji. I am 13 years old. Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have learned something throughout my blog. Don't forget to go check out my other blog posts. Thank you ;)